
Webinar: Beyond Flames and Sparks

Do you work in the welding industry? If so, you know how important it is to protect yourself from your job’s visible hazards.

But beyond the fire and sparks, potentially toxic elements remain and cling to airborne particles and to your lungs.

These tiny particles produced by metal vaporization are harmful to workers who do not wear proper respiratory protection.

The dangers are there whether you see them or not.

Did you know?
Of the 550,000 workers exposed to manganese and hexavalent chromium in Canada, welders represent the most at-risk population with 261,000 exposed workers.

Make sure you’re well protected. Join the experts from 3M and SPI Health and Safety in our FREE webinar!

On the agenda:

  • Welding hazards
  • Welding fumes (particles and gases)
  • Solutions for the complete protection of workers

Do you have questions about welding hazards and available protection? These experts will answer them all.


P.S.: WARNING! Please note that, exceptionally, this webinar will be presented live only, without replay.


Stacey Blundell
Senior H&S Application Specialist
3M Personal Safety Division

Stacey holds an honors bachelor’s degree in Biology from McMaster University and a master’s degree in Occupational Health from McGill University. She started as an in-house industrial hygienist with a mandate to support 3M’s production facilities. She is also a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and a Registered Industrial Hygienist (ROH).

Thursday, October 28, 2021
2 p.m. EST
60 minutes