
How much does shipping cost?

We encourage you to use the delivery options available to you to reduce your trips to one of our branches.

Minimum amount - free shipping

Standard shipping cost

Phone, fax, email



Web, Punchout, EDI



All shipments are FOB from our warehouse, which means that the buyer of the merchandise is responsible for the transport and merchandise as soon as the order leaves our premises.

In the event that you wish to send your order in two separate shipments (e.g. insufficient quantity), transportation costs will only be charged once at the first shipping.

*Transport fees may vary depending on the details of your existing contract.

Should we expect additional charges?

SPI reserves the right to charge certain additional costs for shipping in remote areas as well as for the shipment of hazardous goods. For more information regarding our transport policy, please contact us at 1-866-861-8111.