

  • 4/2/2022

    Ergonomics and Teleworking

    The last few years have pushed many of us to adapt our homes to be able to telework. Despite best efforts, the family home remains a far cry from conventional office space for many and can be difficult to concentrate in.

    In partnership with Entrac, we've prepared a Q&A guide from an SPI webinar (available at the bottom of the page) with all the resources you need to ensure your comfort and efficiency when working from home.

  • SPI3/7/2022

    Don't worry about spills with Brady SPC

    Many transport workers across Canada are aware of the possibility of an accident or turbulence that can move the products they are transporting. A liquid spill can happen quickly, and having the right equipment on hand to limit damages is essential. Here’s why.

  • SPI9/9/2021

    Are you ready in case of a spill?

    It is a real challenge to work in an industry where leaks and spills of hazardous substances are a constant possibility. The dangers of slipping on soiled floors or being in contact with liquid chemical spills represent health and safety hazards for your employees.

  • SPI8/28/2019

    Spill Kits for Sound Environmental Management

    In this brief video, find out where to install your spill kits, which ones to use according to each spill type and what they must contain to best suit your needs.

  • SPI4/5/2016

    10 essential steps in case of a spill

    If a spill occurs, an efficient and safe cleaning is essential. Leaks and spills of hazardous materials, such as toxic, corrosive, radioactive or biological products, must be cleaned or delimited by taking the proper safety measures. Establishing preventative measures and spill controls are an integral part of occupational health and safety.