Have you properly identified all asbestos sources?
Asbestos is one of the most toxic elements you can breathe in. When you are at work, never take the chance that your lungs might come into contact with asbestos and check your work environment.
Although the use of asbestos in construction is obsolete, it is still present in many buildings. In fact, hundreds of Canadians die each year from asbestos-related diseases such as asbestosis. The onset of the disease usually takes several years, but unfortunately, there is every reason to believe that current exposure will perpetuate the problem.
For several years, workers have been mainly confronted with two potential sources of dangerous asbestos dust: spraying and lagging.
Spraying is a “mix of friable material applied using projection to cover a surface.” This method of applying asbestos was mostly used to protect ceilings.
Lagging is using a “heat-insulating material to cover an installation or equipment to avoid heat loss.” It is usually used to cover piping.
Although employers and owners are required to identify the presence of asbestos in the environment, this material has not disappeared from buildings.
It is, therefore, necessary to be aware of its presence, to take precautions accordingly, and to take corrective measures if necessary.
If you are working in the demolition or renovation sectors, or the maintenance of buildings, your employees are more at risk of being exposed to hazardous asbestos fiber concentrations. Be all the more attentive toward asbestos spraying and lagging! Always check for its presence in a building that is not your own.
Asbestos Bulk Material Analysis
Airborne Fibre Counting
Asbestos and Hazardous Materials Surveys
Asbestos Exposure Control Plans
Asbestos Management Programs
Asbestos Abatement Contractor Training
Contact us today to help control the health risks of asbestos to you and your employees.