Recommendations by sector of activity

Recommendations by sector of activity


With the gradual reopening of several sectors of activity, it is essential to keep in mind the good practices we need to promote to limit community transmission of the coronavirus as much as possible.

The Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) has prepared specific guides for some thirty different professions available on the INSPQ website. Here are some of these measures that add up to those already in place in the health network:

Measures of general application for all workers

  • If you believe you have symptoms of COVID-19, or if you have been tested positive, you should not show up for work.
  • Hand-washing with soap and water (frequently and for 20 seconds) is mandatory for everyone.
  • A social distance of two metres is to be preferred between all individuals.
  • Be sure to cough into your bent elbow or into a tissue that you throw away immediately afterwards.
  • The employer must favour telework if the employee can do the work from home.
  • To avoid direct skin contact, make sure you wear long clothing during the work period. When your work day is over, wash your clothes the same day.
  • Avoid handling money. Contactless payments, by card or cell phone, should be preferred.
  • Choose stable teams that do not change shifts during their workday.
  • During breaks or lunch, make sure that employees can respect the rules of social distancing.
  • Avoid sharing common objects.
  • Limit the number of customers in the stores. Install floor markers to encourage customers to respect the recommended two metres.
  • When signing documents, respect the two-metre distance and avoid sharing the same pen.

Below you will find the complete guides available by industry. do not hesitate to consult the guides of several other businesses available on the INSPQ site.

Construction site workers
Food processing industry