Indoor Air Quality

Do you often experience headaches or dizziness in the workplace? Did you know that poor air quality in the workplace directly impacts an individual’s well-being? Air quality is a critical component of a healthy work environment, and every employer has a responsibility to maximize their workers’ comfort to the best of their ability.

Who is concerned by good air quality?

From offices to surgery rooms, any indoor workplace must have excellent air quality to ensure their workers’ comfort. As soon as an HVAC system is in place, an air quality analysis should be performed to ensure its effectiveness.

What is an HVAC system?

The HVAC system combines three components of a building’s air environment: heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

What can contaminate the air in your workplace?

Many factors can negatively impact or even harm the breathing air in your work environment. Whether it is carbon monoxide, VOCs, mold or any other particles, it is possible to detect them in order to quickly correct the situation and avoid the long-term effects on the health of exposed workers.

Among the problems caused by contaminated air are respiratory tract irritations, viral and bacterial infection vulnerability, and the development of chronic respiratory diseases.

How can SPI help you?

Whether you use SPI’s services due to a complaint or simply as a preventive measure, our experts will visit your worksite to perform several exhaustive tests and analyses on your ambient air and HVAC systems.

Following this step, a complete report with recommendations will be sent to you, giving you access to practical solutions and corrective measures to be taken.

SPI will meet your expectations quickly to ensure a healthy work environment for your employees and, at the same time, a well-deserved peace of mind.

What is evaluated?

Several aspects are evaluated in our services:

  • Temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Respirable dust particles
  • Biological contaminants in the air
  • Pressure gradient
  • Air velocity and flow
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Would you like to hear from an expert in the field and learn more about our services?

Don’t hesitate to contact us today!

1 877-544-0911

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